Smile Please Revie

 Smile Please Reviews

Rating 3.5.                                                           IMDb7.1/10                  
Smile Please got a 3 stars review on The Times of India.7.1/10
Smile Please scored 7.1 out of 10 on I


1. There are such countless sicknesses, family emergencies, proficient emergencies ....but a beam of trust is consistently there as master, guide or somebody like ur companion who is generally there to deal with urself n ur feelings with next to no assumptions
Lovely direction....solid exhibitions, simple n light sentiments, n Delight of accomplishing something incredible with practically no assumptions.
Mukta Barve is an entertainer with flexible execution.
She has platinum execution for this film.
 Extraordinary heading.
Congrats to group grin please.
2. Astounding Film 👌 Marathi Motion pictures are truly of generally excellent Quality..

Perfect and clear Screen play.. Mukta Barve's acting was Staggering as Nandini.

Little kid Napu is by all accounts egotistical at the outset, yet at long last she figured out her mother. Viraj - Such a positive disapproved of individual, as Nadini says, everybody ought to get a companion like him.

Father, Jyoti each and every other person has a decent weightage. Should watch film 👌👌 Great group..

3. Actually quite sensitive film after lengthy time got profound while watching film Mukta Barve you are brilliant and others as well. First time seen her on such huge material extraordinary going Vikram. My all the best. Shock yesterday when we emerged from the Multiplex, Stars and head of the film were welcoming individuals, missed to converse with you all as was incredibly personal HA.

4. You know Mr. Vikram you have given life to lost people..those who have lost motivation to joyfully carry on with life..
This film has enchantment, inspiration, holding, companionship, family, friendship, energy, accomplishment,, everything..
I simply cherished it ...much thanks .
Love you Mukta 😍😘
Continue To grin 😊

5. Smile itself indicates all.Really fabulous movie and hats off to the actors and director Vikram phadnis..its really his second movie but it teaches and gives us a long lasting memory..Subject of the film was awesome and really appreciated..I'm great fan of mukta barve..but all the characters satish aalekar as appa...jyoti and also aditi Govitrikar as nandini's Doctor simlpy amazing..i must say please go and watch movie..

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